Maria's blog... general uncommon sense!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Amputation Patients get only Motrin

Summary/ Opinion:

Amputation Patients get only Motrin, to me that is horrible that the Haitians are so devastated that when surgery is necessary the only thing that they are able to give them is Motrin. Motrin is a "Junior" form of Tylenol which would not be strong enough to kill the pain that one would experience from a procedure that is removing body parts. Not including the risk of infection that you have in such a devastated country where they are not technologically advanced enough to be amputating body parts. I think that when there is a need such as in Haiti right now people need to pull together and help them out, I realize that many are but just yesterday when I was watching the evening news (while eating supper) a mother was giving birth to her child and she was lying on the ground (in the dirt, mind you) all that she got to relieve the pain was Motrin, and the Medicine Man that was there was telling her to use Lamaze Breathing, which is to focus your attention on an object such as a prominent fixture {Lamp, Curtains, Person (that is not moving), Television (that is not on.)}

In this woman's case Lamaze breathing would not be efficient in the sense that the only "prominent" fixture was the pile of rubble that use to be her home and the hospital that she planned to give birth in. With such devastation she could not focus on any object without obstructed thoughts. The woman did give birth and is doing fine, but due to the lack of medicines her child died four hours after her painful delivery.

CNN News: