Maria's blog... general uncommon sense!

Monday, March 15, 2010

"Fargo Begs for flood help."

About the article:

Fargo and its officials have done their usual routine... beg for flood help. The issue is that every spring the Red River rises and floods nearly the whole town becomes a large swimming pool. With every spring comes the argument from those of us taxpayers that we should not have to pay for Fargo- Moorhead to be rebuilt once again.
The irritating part about this is that year after year the residents of Fargo-Moorhead know that they will be flooded in the fall when the Red River expands, suggestions that have been posed to them were simple, such as building a Barrier (Barricade) or a berm (a permanent cement/ tar pile) the problem with that is the residents of Fargo- Moorhead do not want to have nice river front property blemished with a cement berm or piles of sand obstructing their views, which is understandable but, you have to ask yourself would you rather have protection or do you want glamour. I realize for some it is a no brainer- protection but the vast majority would rather look at the vanity side. I just think we need to focus on fixing the problems we have rather than allow people year after year to get a new house because they have become victims of yet another flood.

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